
Basic Policy on Sustainability

The Fuji Kosan Group has set forth the following Basic Policy on Sustainability in the Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer & Member of the Board of Directors, and has as members the Chief Executive Officer & Member of the Board of Directors of each Group company and the Group’s officers (excluding Independent Members of the Board of Directors and officers who are in the Audit Committee), as well as the heads of each department at Fuji Kosan. The Sustainability Committee identifies key issues (hereinafter, “materialities”), and sets targets and manages progress based on these materialities.

Basic Policy on Sustainability

The Fuji Kosan Group aims for the sustainable improvement of our corporate value as well as to contribute to bringing about a sustainable society through business activities based on our mission: “To provide our customers with a stable supply of energy and services that support community lifestyles and social infrastructures.”


In line with the TCFD framework, we assessed the significance of risks and opportunities of each Group business from the frequency of climate-related events that could pose risks or opportunities, and the impact which indicates the scale of the target business. This allowed us to identify the materialities, as well as formulate an outline of our strategies.

Category Materialities Outline of Strategy
E (Environment)

(1) Contribution to the environment

Provide products and services that contribute to reducing environmental impact
Promote the Recycling Business, which deals with the circular economy
Promote the Rentals Business, which contributes to the sharing economy

(2) Provision of quality products and services

Enhance our lineup of products and services that meet society’s demands
S (Social) Strengthen supply chain maintenance

(3) Develop HR training/corporate environment

Improve employee engagement
Promote HR diversity
Accelerate fostering people who will carry us into the future

(4) Contribution to communities

Promote rolling out businesses rooted in the region
Strengthen our products and services supply system
Maintain and strengthen our supply system and service system for disasters
G (Governance)

(5) Strengthen corporate governance

Construct a corporate governance system that increases management transparency
Ensure compliance
Enhance information disclosure, including non-financial information

Initiatives Based on Identified Materialities

HR training policy / Corporate environment development policy

Our Group, which is based around the oil business, currently faces a range of issues as the environment increasingly moves towards a carbon-neutral society, and so we are required to make great changes. To continue to be a corporation that can contribute to creating a better society, we need people who can act decisively without fear of change, who can see these changes as opportunities, and work on growing steadily and solving the varied issues of society that come about through environmental changes. Our Group will foster this sort of people, and promote the creation of an environment where both employees and society can grow together.

1HR training policy

We shall train employees who can act decisively and autonomously, with the spirit of challenge and imagination, sensitive to changes in customer needs and the environment around the company and leverage this for the continuous growth of Fuji Kosan.

2Corporate environment development policy

Improve employee engagement

We have been working to create a comfortable working environment by, for example, encouraging employees to take annual paid leave, introducing a shortened-hours work system for childcare and elderly care, and reviewing our wages system to include providing incentives to employees based on company performance. We will actively work on improving employee engagement by creating an environment that employees find easy to work energetically in and do well, and by carrying out measures that contribute to improving motivation such as a remuneration system that is in line with employee contributions.

Promote HR diversity

We shall appropriately evaluate the abilities and qualities of employees based on their individual views of their career plans, without regard to position, age, sex, or hiring method; we shall assign the right person to the right job and actively hire people, and promote the creation of an environment where diverse human resources can thrive.

Accelerate fostering people who will carry us into the future

We carry out a range of training, especially rank-based training, and offer subsidies for obtaining qualifications. We shall continue to provide opportunities to study that suit each person’s career ambitions and aptitudes, as well as carry out measures to push the growth of employees in order to foster the people who will carry us into the future.

3Indices and Targets

The Fuji Kosan Group has set the following indices and targets for our human resources training policy and corporate environment development policy.

Index Performance for FY2022 Target (FY2025)
Annual paid leave take-up rate 63.5% 70% or more
Male childcare leave take-up rate 87.5% 100%
No. of mid-career hires 8 15 or more
No. of females in management 5 10 or more
Training-related costs 7,000,000 yen At least 12,000,000 yen
No. of people taking training 271 300 or more

Strengthen corporate governance

Fuji Kosan and our Group companies aim to achieve fair and trustworthy management by building a management organizational structure that can respond promptly to changes in the business environment, emphasizing compliance with laws and regulations, and actively disclosing information. In order to further strengthen the supervisory functions of the Board of Directors and additionally enhance corporate governance, we have opted to be a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee as its institutional design under the Companies Act. In addition, we are building the following systems for corporate governance.

1Outline of the Corporate Governance System

We adopted our current system after having determined that the initiatives below will allow the system for objectively monitoring management to function and effectively ensure the appropriateness of business execution.

  • To ensure the effectiveness of audits and supervision of the directors’ execution of their duties, we appoint independent members of the Board of Directors with specialized knowledge and experience in areas such as finance and accounting, as well as independent members of the Board of Directors with specialized knowledge and experience in areas such as business strategy.
  • We have established a Management Council made up of directors and executive officers in order to govern company tasks overall. This Council discusses and determines basic matters related to company management and matters related to the execution of key tasks.
  • We have introduced an Executive Officer System in order to increase the speed and efficiency of task execution.
  • To strengthen the fairness, transparency, and impartiality of procedures related to the appointment, remuneration, etc. of officers and to enhance our corporate governance, we have established a voluntary Nominating And Compensation Advisory Committee as an advisory body to the Board of Directors. More than half of the Committee members are independent member of the Board of Directors, and it is also chaired by an independent member of the Board of Directors.
  • We hold regular meetings of affiliated companies, attended by the management of our Company and each of our Group companies. These meetings are used to deliberate on various issues facing each Group company, and promote mutual communication and cooperation within the Group.
Corporate governance system diagram

2Corporate Governance Reports

You can view our Basic Policy on Governance and our Corporate Governance Reports at the link below.

3Risk Management

In the Fuji Kosan Group, the Risk Management Committee identifies and assesses risks. The Risk Management Committee was established with the purpose of contributing to smooth business management by keeping damage to a minimum through prompt and accurate responses when a danger or emergency arises, and by preparing a management system that works to prevent risks with a high chance of affecting Fuji Kosan’s management.