Privacy Policy

1. Basic Policy

Fuji Kosan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “we” or “the Company”), being well aware of the importance of personal information, considers it its social responsibility to protect personal information, and to that end, carries out the following initiatives regarding the protection of personal information.

2. Personal Information Handling Regulations

In order to set standards for the appropriate acquisition and use of personal information and to strictly enforce said standards, we have formulated regulations regarding the handling of personal information, as well as a code of conduct and specific rules for preventing the loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information.

3. Organizational System

In accordance with our regulations on the handling of personal information, we are developing an organizational system to ensure protection of personal information within the Company.

4. Collecting Personal Information

When we collect personal information, we disclose to the information owner the purpose of this collection and scope of its use, and obtain their consent before collecting personal information in the scope required.

5. Using Personal Information

When we use personal information, it is only used within the scope of use and purpose disclosed at the time of collection. Personal information is never used for anything outside its purpose and scope.

6. Supervision of Subcontractors

We may outsource personal information to third parties within the scope of legitimate use of personal information by the Company.
Our subcontractors are required to strictly protect personal information using the same standards as the Company.

7. Limitations on Provision to Third Parties

We shall not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without the consent of the information owner, save in the following cases.

  1. When in accordance with laws, regulations, etc.
  2. When cooperating with administrative agencies, etc. under special circumstances.
  3. When outsourcing to a subcontractor within the appropriate scope of use.
  4. When using at the Company within the appropriate scope of use.

8. Compliance with Relevant Laws and Guidelines

We comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, other related laws and regulations, and guidelines from ministries and agencies.

9. Ongoing Review of the Personal Information Handling Regulations

We shall continually review and improve our regulations regarding the handling of personal information and the organizational structure for implementing them in order to ensure that they continue to function effectively and appropriately.

Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

13F, Shin-Ochanomizu Building, 4-3 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062
General Affairs Group I, General Affairs Department, Fuji Kosan Co., Ltd.

Tel. +81-3-6849-8800

Hours: 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays (excluding national holidays and the New Year holiday period)