Company Information

Corporate Outline / List of Directors /
Organizational Chart

Corporate Outline

Established September 17, 1949
Head Office address 13F, Shin-Ochanomizu Building, 4-3 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062
  • Tel. +81-3-6849-8800
    (General Inquiries)
  • Fax. +81-3-6849-8807
Representative Chief Executive Officer
Yasuhiro Kawasaki
Capital 5,527,313,650 yen
Employees 300 : Including Subsidiaries (as of March 31, 2024)
Businesses Purchase and sale of fuel oils, asphalt, lubricants, and green products
Business sites

Branches: Hokkaido Branch, Tohoku Branch, Kanto Branch, West Japan Branch

Locations / Group Companies
Group Companies

List of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors

  • Photo
    President & CEO
    Yasuhiro Kawasaki
  • Photo
    Dierector and Managing Executive Officer Division Head
    Yukio Yoshino
  • Photo
    Dierector and Executive Officer Division Head
    Toshikazu Yoshida
  • Photo
    Independent Member of the Board of Directors
    Masaru Ono
  • Photo
    Independent Member of the Board of Directors
    Seiji Hatano
  • Photo
    Member of the Board of Directors
    Standing Audit and Supervisory Committee Member
    Masafumi Tamura
  • Photo
    Independent Member of the Board of Directors
    Audit and Supervisory Committee Member
    Yoshiyuki Sato
  • Photo
    Independent Member of the Board of Directors
    Audit and Supervisory Committee Member
    Atsuko Sugiyama

Executive Officers Not Concurrently Serving as Directors

  • Senior Executive Officer
    Yuri Sato
  • Executive Officer
    Kenji Ito
  • Executive Officer
    Satoshi Watanabe
  • Executive Officer
    Ryo Ohashi
  • Executive Officer
    Yasushi Onda

Organizational Chart


Business Structure
