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Chief Executive Officer Yasuhiro Kawasaki
Chief Executive OfficerYasuhiro Kawasaki
Top Message

Aiming to become a leading company in environmentally-friendly businesses

Since our founding in 1949, the Fuji Kosan Group has played a part in the development of Japan’s industrial development and prosperous society through the supply of oil products. We have also always carried out our corporate activities in a way that sincerely accepts the requirements of our customers and strives to fulfil them.

At present, there are increasing demands to achieve carbon neutrality and a circular economy, and the business environment is changing at a pace faster than ever before.

To continue sustained growth that contributes to society in this environment, the Group offers its long-term vision of remaining an energy trading company that contributes to society through supporting environmental greening and the stable supply of energy, and has set the following Action Guidelines. This Vision and these Action Guidelines incorporate our desire to continue responding to the expectations of our stakeholders through repeated and varied efforts as we move towards solving issues for the future and achieving our goals, aiming to make us a leading company in environmentally-friendly businesses.

  1. Achieve the formation of a circular economy through activities to reduce environmental impact.
  2. Contribute to the development of a civil society through sustained business activities.
  3. Continue to advance unceasingly through repeated innovation and challenges with a sense of speed.
  4. Construct a management strategy that emphasizes the stakeholders, and carry it out properly.
  5. Emphasize compliance and respond as appropriate for societal norms.

In line with this Medium-Term Business Plan (FY2024-26), the Fuji Kosan Group will gather the forces of the entire Group, and, while responding rapidly to changes in the business environment, accelerate initiatives such as strengthening the reduction of environmental impacts and the diversification of our Recycling Business, based around the five pillars of Oil, Recycling, Environmental, Home Energy, and Rentals.

We humbly ask for your further support and patronage into the future.