Initiatives for
next-generation energies

To be a company supplying
the next generation of liquid energy

We have started supplying biodiesel fuel, a blend of diesel oil and the renewable resource of waste cooking oil. This fuel can be used as a replacement for diesel oil, and also allows reduced CO2 emissions.
In future, we shall contribute to bringing about a low-carbon society by working to supply energy that can reduce as many environmental impacts as possible.

What is Biodiesel Fuel?

Biodiesel fuel is a type of biofuel made using vegetable fats and oils.
It is also an environmentally-friendly source of energy, unlike petroleum and other fossil fuels.
The plants that biofuels are made from absorb atmospheric CO2 as they grow, so the net result is that there is no increase in atmospheric CO2. This lack of net change is what it means to be carbon neutral.

From that perspective, biofuels contribute to two of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7) and Climate action (SDG 13).

  • Icon: Biomass Energy
    Biomass Energy

    Renewable energy from plants

  • Icon: Carbon Neutral
    Carbon Neutral

    Zero net CO2 emissions

  • Icon: Clean Diesel
    Clean Diesel

    Reduces black smoke and sulfur oxides

  • Icon: High Performance
    High Performance

    Reuses waste oil as an energy resource

  • Icon: Multi Output & Use
    Multi Output & Use

    Can be used as is with existing infrastructure

  • Icon: Local Energy
    Local Energy

    Energy can be produced through community efforts

Carbon Neutral

About Our Initiatives

  • 01Performance evaluations and impact verification testing

    To investigate the impact of biodiesel fuel on machinery and vehicles and the characteristics of its exhaust gases, we have been carrying out verification testing approved by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry since April 2023 both for large freight vehicles and for construction machinery at major construction sites.

    • Started verification testing of Japan’s first high-purity bio diesel, B30 Fuel, using large freight vehicles.
    • Determined to start verification testing of B30 Fuel, a high-purity bio diesel, using construction machinery at major construction sites.
  • 02Development of biodiesel fuel production sites

    Fuji Kosan aims to be able to supply energy that is environmentally friendly, and increase energy diversity. To that end, we are expanding our biodiesel fuel production sites nationwide, starting with the Kishiwada Plant.

  • 03Construction of a supply network

    To respond precisely to the diversifying needs of our customers, we are constructing a sales network that connects our branches and our partners, and a distribution network that allows shipping nationwide.


Products Handled

Land B5 As defined by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Treated as equivalent to diesel oil. Can be used on public roads.
B30 Can also be used by vehicles that come under the Act on Regulation, Etc. of Emissions from Non-road Special Motor Vehicles (such as construction machinery and agricultural machinery).
B100 Can also be used on public roads after conversion of the Vehicle Inspection Certificate.
Sea B24 A blend of fuel oil A, fuel oil C, and biofuel. Used in ships.
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